Work in progress!!!!

Page is currently being worked on, I'm working on alot of projects with friends and peers. Here are some examples of my current projects.

StoryNest - Slack Alternative

StoryNest is a locally hosted platform designed for developers to share, discuss, and refine their coding projects through interactive storytelling. The app addresses the need for community-driven learning and problem-solving within smaller, private networks or organizations. By allowing users to create, tag, and interact with stories, StoryNest fosters a supportive environment where developers can connect, learn from one another, and gain feedback on their work.

Car Inventory Software - (React, Django, SQLite, Docker, and more)

This assessment project is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app because it encompasses the fundamental operations needed to manage data within its various microservices. The Sales Microservice and Service Microservice both provide a range of API endpoints that allow for the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of records. For instance, the Service Microservice allows users to create new technicians and service appointments, list all existing technicians and appointments, update the status of appointments (to "canceled" or "finished"), and delete technicians and appointments. These operations demonstrate the core CRUD functionalities essential for managing and manipulating the application's data.

Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.